Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter Boredom

So, it's January 18, 2009 and it's -20 degrees Celsius, which translates to: "It's fucking freezing!" Of course, this simple statement has its own ripple effect (as does almost everything, I've learned.) I have a tendency to bulk-buy on Friday evening to ensure I don't HAVE TO leave my house for anything for the remainder of the weekend. I've elected to not take the 5 minute walk to the grocery store to buy fresh and healthy food (or even a quick and easy microwave dinner) and opted instead to have a $30 pizza delivered, or worse take-out from the greasy haven just 7 doors down. The idea of going downtown and having to smoke outside in the cold deters me from going downtown whatsoever. Fuck that, I can smoke in my house, wear my pyjamas and pretty much pay cost for my drinks ('s usually cheaper than the bars even pay for their alcohol supplies as there's some sort of weird retarded rule that say if you sell alcohol, you have to pay more for it from the liquor stores. Ahhh, more government logic for ya.)

So, what do I do in winter you ask? Well, I put in my 8 hours. I spend probably another 4 hours streaming media (right now I'm on an ER kick and starting watching all the seasons all over again. Currently at Season 7, Episode 7.) I also chain smoke. I drink copious amounts of caffeinated beverages - which I guess means I also spend a significant amount of time pissing. I often find myself talking to myself...and of course, my cats. I facebook...and most recently have started knitting. The goal at the moment is to knit a blanket. It's just so god-awfully time consuming. I doubt I'll ever finish it. That's kinda my thing though. I start things and seldom finish. I'm so damn lazy. Too lazy to type any more right now.

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