Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day!

So, it's the day, I am independent. Of course, I was independent yesterday, but I was also more inclined to walk the dangerous line of drunk texting. So, dude from the previous messages is still confusing me. It's probably not warranted, considering it's been about two weeks since I last saw him. I did hear from him once since, but he needed a favour.

I just want to meet someone that intrigues me. And, ideally that person should have some source of income that supports that person's spending. My dilemma, the boy the interests me, is fucking horrible with money, and with jobs. Oh right, the other dilemma, I only hear from that person about once every couple of weeks. Boo. Maybe it's not so boo. I suppose it could be worse. I could be getting the "broken from the earlier part of the weekend boy" know the one that shows up, already in a mess, convinces you to join in, and then falls asleep on you. Of course that version of the boy also could result in frustrated version me 2.0 - the me that is awake - and watching snoring boy sleep, still horny and with less smoke than 6 hours previous. Maybe I'm just a whiner. Of course it could just be that I'm complainy today cause I'm too warm, and a lil too full.

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