Friday, September 4, 2009

Zippity Do Da

I would normally be inclined to start with something along the lines of "meh", but not so much today. I can't say I'm elated or anything remotely close to it, but at least it's the beginning of a long weekend. Of course, I don't really have any plans for the weekend other than the usual plan for productivity...which usually somehow converts to a cyclic wake-n-bake, nap situation. And, repeat. Happy weekend. But, tomorrow will be different! I will stop procrastinating tomorrow!

I'd like to say I'm not thinking about some unknown asshole musician, but simply that's not true. I'm still hurt by the whole thing, but at least I'm getting a reminder of what the bad times were like. Kinda like this. I think we went for a three month period where we lived together and spoke to each other only once a month. We may, of course yelled or uttered profanities at each other. Meh. Hahaha, the meh just couldn't stay away. Sure, I'm still a little frustrated at myself for allowing myself to be put in such a situation - but what else is new when it comes to that "one". Absolutely nothing! So, at least the potential for such frustration to continue, or God forbid to get worse, is over. So, I guess it's a new beginning. The part that bugs me, is that I didn't get an explanation. You spend three years with someone (through good and very, very, very bad) have a relationship end, in a drunken stupor...and then three years later, one contacts the other, anonymously via text through a new number (go, go pay-as-you-go), multiple times a day, asking about that person's sexual past and thoughts on various sexual activities (for months). Then, they hang out several times over a three month period. And poof, the asshole musician cuts everything off. Severed all contact. I tried texting. I tried calling. I emailed. Nothing. Not knowing why is the worst part. Based on our initial relationship, I can't say I had high hopes for a prospective future with him - but he was always the one who said that if for some reason we stopped being together romantically, that he wanted to remain friends. I always said that would never happen. Honestly, I can't really say that I was anticipating maintaining a close friendship either. I'm also not saying I'm owed anything whatsoever (except maybe my youth - lol), but I guess I just expected more. And that's sad. Cause I really don't have high expectations for very many people. I guess I just thought he would approach the situation as cautiously as possible, for both our sakes. I was wrong. I really should do something a little more social this weekend. That way, I will find myself talking and thinking about other things - with better company (at least company that treats me better.)

And of course there are lots of options for the weekend. At this point, I'm way too fucking tired to do anything. Passed on downtown, and passed on poker. Instead, I site here a semi-dedicated (and admittedly a lil baked) blogger, providing nothing but babble - for all the world. Christ, I still ended up blogging almost completely about a subject I was hoping to avoid. Better luck next time for me. It's time to get my circular plan underway now, as opposed to I can be productive tomorrow. *wink wink*

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