Saturday, August 29, 2009

Late Nite Thoughts

So, I'm sitting here (yes, still awake), and slightly calmer than earlier (technically yesterday's post...that is of course assuming that google has my time zone registered somewhere (which it probably does). I'm not quite sure what cause me to vent my little vent earlier, but at least now my head is a little clearer. I still don't like the idea of being fucked around and then ignored, but I can't let it overtake my life. Being sick and stuck in the house for the last week or so hasn't helped. When I was awake I did nothing but stream media and play internet games. Mind you, I didn't have a whole lot of energy, nor a voice for a couple of days. And, we cannot forget the phlegm funnel. Meh, enough of that. Still sick and still kinda bummed. Perhaps that's to be expected in the wee hours, when one has a pounding headache and chest congestion.

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