Saturday, August 29, 2009


Once upon a time, there was a musician who like to get bent. This musician got so bent then he lost his mind. He made stupid decisions, as was a common theme in his life, to put his own everything ahead of that of others. And yes, this applies to virtually every aspect of life. Should I go out? Hrmmm. Where would I go? Who would I get the bentest with? Yes, that is who I will hang out with (and by hang out, I mean get high as a motherfucking kite and sit on someone's couch until someone is willing to cart the bentest of all, to wherever the bentest will be most satified next. And, by most satisfied next, I actually me where the bentest get get the most out of each person visited (generally, who's got the goods...cause it sure as heel isn't this guy.)

The bent one, who has never been straight a day in his long and uneventful (yet incredibly high life), and chooses to bring others into the vortex of insanity. Guaranteed, within 2.5 years (as an absolute maximum), the bent one will burn bridges with other bendees. But the thing about bendees, they get so bent out of shape....they forget things. Like the bentest one of all is a using motherfucker who ignores people for no reason - other than the bentest has better options Translation: Somebody wants to get high(er). Maybe the bentest - who I should add, is a TOTAL ASSHOLE really has things figured out.

Get bent that's fine...but for the love of God man, leave me out of it. You crazy bastard.

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